Monday, February 25, 2013

Jean Renoir Project

In the style of Jean Renoir, make a 2-3 minute film that shows a conversation between two people. The conversation should be made up—scripted—but can be about whatever you want. The video should contain elements such as a kinetic camera, off screen presence, subject moving off/on camera, etc. You and your partner need to work this all out together. It would be best to find 2 actors and try to get your shots done in one day. This might mean getting your shots done on a Saturday or after school.

Due: Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013


Examine Rififi through a feminist lens. Use at least one quote from a feminist film theory essay (either the Laura Mulvey essay or Anneke Smelik's essay. Read the film by analyzing one five-minute scene. Be sure to discuss the film's meaning as a whole (through the feminist lens) and the scene's relation to that meaning. Why did you choose the scene? I also want you to mention your favorite part of the movie and what cinematic techniques you learned you could use in your own productions. Minimum of 2 paragraphs

Due: Tuesday, February 19, 2013